Category: WSDC

WSDC Tournament Committee Meeting 2020

Cindi Timmons of the World Schools Debating Championships Board of Directors writes:

The WSDC Ltd Board of Directors would like to announce the following time frame for holding an online meeting of the WSDC Tournament Committee (typically held in conjunction with the in-person WSDC):

  • Weekend of August 15-16 – Working Group meetings
  • August 22nd – Director Nominations Due
  • Weekend of August 29-30 – WSDC Tournament Committee meeting

More details will follow this week as to what Working Groups will be meeting, who may participate in those groups,  officer nomination forms, who may participate in the online meeting of the WSDC Tournament Committee, agendas, meeting times, etc.

Zoom links will be sent a few days before each weekend.

Contact the WSDC Board at [email protected].